Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Title Change

There's a few things I want to touch on today. First is the obvious title change as you can so plainly see above. LOL@u.com didn't really capture everything I wanted to accomplish with this blog when I put it up, so I changed it. The new title came to me a while ago, and I don't pretend it's completely original, I'm sure someone out there has the very same moniker for a screen name, email address, or alias somewhere. I was speaking to a friend about my employment and it somehow came up that every job, or freelance gig that I had ever gotten had come from showing up, sometimes late, in jeans, beaten sneakers and a hooded sweatshirt. Everyone hums the mantra "dress to impress" ad nauseum and while it may work for some, it simply doesnt work for me. To be honest, I've never felt comfortable in a suit, or my own skin for that matter, so comfortable clothes are the best I can do. Being the manic depressive I am, my rationale was quite simple, I can go in for an interview or meeting and I can get the job or not. This, in turn, will either plunge me into depression or elation. So, I decided that I will meet these prospective employers in my rawest form, comfortable clothes, standing on comfortable soles. Regardless of whether I get the job, I have something I can feel positive about, being myself. If I am not accepted for my rash decisions, well then, I suppose it just wasn't meant to be and the employment gods are less cruel than I thought. I remarked to this friend that my success in this regard must be the appeal of my maverick writer persona, whose magnetism comes from pure, unbridled creativity and original thought. So, there you have it. Maverick Writer.com. I like it.


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