Thursday, April 07, 2005

Start 'er up

Well this my inaugural post so perhaps I should put a little effort into it. I'm a little short on material today so I'll just post a short rant I wrote for an independent studio that was looking for a few screenwriters. The editor enjoyed it and put me on the list for next season, so maybe you'll enjoy it too. Here you go...
2) What is wrong with television today and, if you were a TV writer, what would you do to fix it?
There is a simple problem with television today and that problem became starkly clear to me in one sitting of “My Super Sweet Sixteen.” If you don’t know, “My Super Sweet Sixteen” is a reality show on MTV, which follows one nearly sixteen year old around with their parent(s), in morbid voyeurism, planning an extravagant party that rivals most weddings, anniversaries, and diplomatic summits. I was watching one night, bored painfully from the rest of network programming. I’m not very late removed from my teen years, so the prospect of dolled up high school girls was enough to hold my remote hand steady. Throughout the episode, there were incredible amounts of shrilly whines and slashed credit cards. I was mildly amused at the swelled up consumerism and materialistic ruthlessness. I realize that not everyone can live to these standards much less expect them. But I am not a teenage girl, and I fear that the show’s satire will be somewhat lost on the impressionable youth. Now, don’t go and label me one of the yahoos over at the Parent Television Counsel, my gripe stems not from a moralistic compassion but an outrage and utter lack of faith in today’s youth. In my opinion, everything should be viewable on television, like the internet. Beheadings, tsunamis you name it. And I think government commissions like the FCC should be told to “Fuck off”. If I were a TV writer, I would not dance around and mask these befuddled fools in search of popularity. No, I would employ Henry Rollins, a robust, tattooed rock star and writer, to grab these kids by the hair and scream into their faces how ridiculous and shallow they truly are. I despise “reality TV” and the mock truth it spews out everyday. My ideal show would be a mixture of 24 and survivor. All reality shows would be unedited and have Henry screaming at everyone with his bulbous neck pulsating with rage. We would only have one season because we would realize the absurdity of our show, and all those like it, and voluntarily cancel it forever.


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